Ok drama king sangat.
so there's another 2 months for me to finish this hell, only to go to the other hell, later. coming back to your college after finishing your internship doesn't sound quite right for me. then there's this trisem bitch coming along just to make my life miserable. apparently, i only have one effing week to rest, then off again to school! lalalala cunt.
wow, so much anger.
but not everything was bad, during my internship. i've learnt so much particularly in working life, where you have to be punctual, responsible, and respect other people. yes, i'm still a student, but in this world, they don't view you as one. they see you as a responsible adult who knows what to do and how to think. Felt the pressure? sure i have.
And doing my internship near Kl, the so called "greatest city in Malaysia" gave me the opportunity to explore the culture of the people of the big city, such as Halloween. Yes, Halloween, the day where everyone wear costumes. Most of them wear ghost/horror costumes. some of them wear a cute bunny costumes, a catwoman or a sexy policewoman.i like.
So, those are some of the many adventures i've had experienced during my internship. After learning so much from the big city people, i've learnt one important lesson. TO BECOME BIG, YOU NEED SOMETHING BIG. Big money, big head(kepala besar), big cock(ada beran) and big brain. I might end up walking along this path, but i will remind myself everyday, not to loose the big heart within me.
And lately, my stomach is getting bigger.curse you big people.
ps: guys, i will do something different with my blog later. This is something that i've used to do during my school time, and now i think it's time to continue that hobby of mine and share it with you guys. Now, although I don't know how many people read this blog, but guys plese stick with me for a while will ya?
thank you.