Posted by theDirector
November 18,

Heeyyaa i miss doing this. a lot of happen throughout these 6 months. i am really, really busy with my internship. yeah, internship. WHY DO THEY INVENT THIS? WHY DO THEY INVENT THINGS LIKE JOB??? I HATE WHAT I'M DOING RIGHT NOW. PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE ME!

Ok drama king sangat.

so there's another 2 months for me to finish this hell, only to go to the other hell, later. coming back to your college after finishing your internship doesn't sound quite right for me. then there's this trisem bitch coming along just to make my life miserable. apparently, i only have one effing week to rest, then off again to school! lalalala cunt.

wow, so much anger.

but not everything was bad, during my internship. i've learnt so much particularly in working life, where you have to be punctual, responsible, and respect other people. yes, i'm still a student, but in this world, they don't view you as one. they see you as a responsible adult who knows what to do and how to think. Felt the pressure? sure i have.

And doing my internship near Kl, the so called "greatest city in Malaysia" gave me the opportunity to explore the culture of the people of the big city, such as Halloween. Yes, Halloween, the day where everyone wear costumes. Most of them wear ghost/horror costumes. some of them wear a cute bunny costumes, a catwoman or a sexy policewoman.i like.

scary movie, Jason and Edward "Jongang" Cullen

In my pursuit to learn the culture of the big city people, i try to live like one. They have good taste in food, i must tell you. One day, I went to this place called TGI friday. don't worry, it opens everyday. I eat a burger there, which happens to be big. big city people sure has big appetite, and big belly too. Then i went to this restaurant called bubba gump. No, it's not a candy shop (as i thought so first), rather it's a restaurant that serve shrimps. Like, a lot of shrimps. there's fried shrimps, butter shrimps, grilled shrimps, baked shrimps, they even serve fresh shrimps from the freezer. so yeah, welcome to shrimps' heaven...or hell, for them?
This is not a picture of a small kid eating a normal size burger, but rather a big boy eating an XXL size burger. (please ignore the weirdo girl behind me)

this one is good.nyum2~

yeah dude, pay first!

My journey towards unrevealing the culture of the big city people doesn't stop there. to my account, big city people loves artists, mostly foreign artists. I follow them to various concerts, MTV world stage, Guitar-God Slash, and paramore. Adam Lambert? Nah..not my type. The big city people seems to be ecstatic when these people come to their city. It's like we are celebrating merdeka again, but instead of shouting "Merdeka!" they shout "Peacock! cock! cock!"

So, those are some of the many adventures i've had experienced during my internship. After learning so much from the big city people, i've learnt one important lesson. TO BECOME BIG, YOU NEED SOMETHING BIG. Big money, big head(kepala besar), big cock(ada beran) and big brain. I might end up walking along this path, but i will remind myself everyday, not to loose the big heart within me.

And lately, my stomach is getting bigger.curse you big people.

ps: guys, i will do something different with my blog later. This is something that i've used to do during my school time, and now i think it's time to continue that hobby of mine and share it with you guys. Now, although I don't know how many people read this blog, but guys plese stick with me for a while will ya?

thank you.


Posted by theDirector
March 21,

Feels like writing this after i had a nightmare and after i read one of my friend's blog.

Ok, like any other university, UTP also have their own version of spooky stories and urban legends. Some people said it's true, while others disagree. Guess it's up to us to believe it or not.

Here some of the stories that i heard from the seniors, the juniors, the pak gads and the mak gads, the lecturers, and many2 more. So, i'm not guaranteed about the truth of it.


This one is quite famous. 2 years ago(if i'm not mistaken) utp "digemparkan" with the founding of a newly-born baby inside a dumpster just in front of V1x. Apparently, the abortion was done by one of the student who lives at that block. so after the incident, students that live in that block said that they always heard a sound of baby's crying in the middle of night. Luckily i don't live there....


I got this story from my senior. Long ago there is this one Iranian student who studies here at utp. apparently this guy did not enjoyed it here (who is?duuuhh...) because he couldn't adapt here and i heard that he once being hit by several local students just because he didn't que in front of the atm machine. so few weeks after the incident, he commit suicide at this pulau. He tied himself at a jetski and drowned himself at the sea. weeks later, the staffs were trying to find him because he didn't come to class for several weeks. So they went to his room and break it, and were amazed to find occult thingy in there.wooooo~~~


Utpians surely knows the park at the center of the new academic building. One of my friend wanted to practice his english drama there during night time, but later the guard didn't allowed him because he said that the place was 'haunted'. The guard claimed that he always heard a sound of people knocking and hammering something. Later, i came accross a picture of an indonesian or bangladesh labour(forgot dy) died during the construction of the academic building. so guys, you might want to stay away from that place during midnight.

4. 5th FLOOR AT V5X

This one quite famous too. If u go to v5x (don't want to tell what block it is but i think most utpians know) u will notice that the top floor is unoccupied. I heard that back then students were frequently being disturbed. so when the situation becomes worst, utp closed that floor and didn't allow anyone to hang out there. duuuh...who would?


I don't want to waste my time writing this story here. u can read it here.

6. V2x GHOST

This story is from my friend who experienced it in front of his eyes. He used to lived at V2x alone in a single room. While he was sleeping, he felt that something was sleeping beside him. If i'm not mistaken, he saw the thing's face for a moment and then closed his face with a blanket. He recite some doa and say to the thing, "dah la tu. jangan la kacau aku. aku tak kacau kau"



This one quite spooky+funny. I heard this story from a friend of mine. he has a friend, let's say his name is Mr X. Mr. X is known for his untidy living. his room was like sarang naga, full with dirty clothes on the floor and ciggarates filter. So while he was relaxing on his bed, suddenly he saw a long haired white dressed thing in front of his window. the thing shouted "kan aku da suruh ko kemaskan bilik kau. kenapa kau tak kemas lagi????"


9. MY ROOM. WTF???

Ok i save the best for the last. This happened before i occupied this room. Back then there was a sabahan student who lived here. during mid sem brak, his roomate was going back, so he was alone that nite. While he was lying on his bed, he saw u know what on top of the ceiling. Later, that sabahan guy swear that he will never sleep alone in his room anymore.

And i've been living here for 3 years, guess i was lucky. -_-"

Ok that's it, for now. what 9 only?? actually got more but some of the stories i forgot already.

I'm out. suddenly got spooky feeling rite now.


Posted by theDirector
March 20,

Last post: 17 October 2009

so it's been 5 month since my last update. i miss my blog! I've been trying to enter my blog but the link seems to be broken (fuck u zonestraits!!!!Now have to change back to blogspot.wish i have nuff money to buy my own domain.tsk tsk...). Now all the link exchange is gone, so sayang. have to start from scratch again. Damn....



So here i am updating my blog 5 am in the morn. thanks to a beautiful nightmare i had (well, not so beautiful actually) now i can't closed my eyes and go back to my stinking bed. I still can remember the dream, though. I was with my friends (there were 6 of us) and we were coming back from watching movies. Then one of my stupid friend (well, he is stupid, whether in dreams or in reality.sori z**!!!) drove us to a chinese cemetery.

Apparently near these cemeteries there are a whole lot of abandoned buildings surrounding the cemeteries. But the weird thing is, these abandoned buildings have their lights turn on! So, when we were passing those buildings, we can see bunch of ghosts very clearly, and in that dream i was like,

"no wonder they put the lights on, so that people can see the ghosts walking inside". WTF!!

And yes, we all see the ghosts. what kind of ghost?well the usual one, the one with long hair and white clothes. After watching them, we all got scared so my friend drove the car towards a small alley. The alley was dark with no lights along the road. While we were running away, then suddenly BANG! we hit on something. then appeared in front of us,


Yes, we hit an indian ghost! All of us were panic so my friend drove the car so fast. So fast, the car hit the sideroad and lost its balance and "tergolek2" like in an action movies. and i don't know how it happens, but the car "tergolek2" so hard it was "terpelanting" towards one of the buildings and was smashed into two. KABABOOM! Another weird thing is only one of my friend died (cannot reveal his name. and the way he died was quite horrific. his body was cut into 2. WTF rite!) but the others were saved. But not for so long....

Then one of my friend died while he was trying to run away from one of the ghost. he was trying to jump off from stairs to stairs but end up landing in a wrong way. After that, one of my other friend died too. He was eaten by one of the ghost, and believe me, the way the ghost eats him, was so 18sg even my brain ask me to wake up and stop watching this dream again.

The fate of me and another 2 of my friends remain unknown.

There you have it. The summary of my nightmare story is:



this pic is soo creepy...


Posted by theDirector
October 17,

"Boy, try la masuk utp. utp bez giler.ada internet, ada orang share2 movie. kalo orang nak bagi akak stay lama2 kat utp pun akak x kesah."

A quote from my sister 3 years ago.

To tell u the truth, this is one of the many reasons why i pursued my study at utp. Got internet access, filesharing, mirc etc2...

So, let me list down what are the things that probably differentiate utp with other colleges and universities:

- internet access. we got LAN and wireless. how cool is that?
- Filesharing. We use DC++ to share and download movies, softwares (even porn) among the students. TV? Lame.
- chatting community. we have k5, mirc, forums etc2 so that students can flirt around

Sounds cool? NOT REALLY. here's why:

- what's the use of internet if it's very SLOW??? I mean, 10 seconds to load google page??WTF?? wifi? even worse. NO signal, NO connectivity, NO NOTHING!
- forget the internet. i still can live with DC++. But since ITMS(i describe them later) decided to ban it, i can't download any movies! So, all i can do in my room is just sit back and watch the same effing movie that i downloaded months ago. pffftt...
- chatting? what chat? ITMS also banned this one. now i can only chat with my roomate.zzzz

ITMS(Idiocracy Towards Man and Society) is a body that manages Utp's internet connection. So, they claimed that DC++ caused the internet to be slow. Eff that. the internet still slow even after DC++ was shut down. Great. Making my life even worst.

After been bombed and curse and fingered by the students, finally ITMS came to their senses and improve their internet connection. they also removed the filter, which means i can stream youtube and redtube.

Credit to them for that, but still, is this gonna last long? Are they sure they're doing the right thing? DC may be seen as an entertainment purpose, but some students also share important notes and sources for our studies. And MPP, don't just do meetings and gain nothing. HELP US. Appreciate our votes for you.

So, do i regret studying in UTP after knowing that their facilities sucks? No, i still like this place, but not the same as before.


Posted by theDirector
August 15,

As i promise, this is the part 2 of my H1N1 holiday. Last Day at PD! Bulu (sekali lagi nama sebenar dirahsiakan), as promised brought me to Teluk Kemang. Since PD is famous for its beach, so it's a must to visit one of its popular beaches around. Well, since i didn't brought any swimming suit and i was kinda short of money back then, i just manage to walk around the beach and took some picture. Hmmm....maybe next time.

This is Teluk Kemang!

shelter for u to rest. but have to pay...

food stall also got!

big isn't it?

wanna ride that bananna boat?

Souvenir anyone?

Happy family eyh?

Don't know how to swim? you'll need one of these

Jet Ski for rent!This shop sells all kinds of things like kite and clothes

After finish taking pictures of beatiful chicks...i mean beautiful scenery of Teluk Kemang, we heads off to another famous spot here in PD. I forgot the name, but according to a trustworthy source (which is Bulu.hehe) this is what they called "skodeng spot" since a lot of couples came here. Well, i can't blame them. The scenery was nice, and the breeze was smoothing. So, if u guys when to PD, don't forget to bring your boyfriend or girlfriend here.

Make sure you read this first before entering here

Just beautiful....

Now do you get what i mean? :P

Lonely boy.....

Me on top of the world!

Finish with Operation "skodeng", we headed to our next destination, Muzium Tentera Darat Port Dickson. According to another trustwhorty source (Bulu la, who else?) this is the biggest military museum in South East Asia. Yeah, really big. If you want to know about our military history since Hang Tuah's Era, you can definitely find it here.

Welcome soldiers!

Fire at will!

Captain Awang reporting for duty!

Off to crush some jet fighters!

Black Hawk down???i don't think so....

That fan is still spinning mind you

inside a tunnel where communist hide themselves

This is what i would call "communist Kotex" Yes, it's a women's pad for the female communists to use. Creative ayte?

This is communist's bras and boxers. I wonder why this museum keep such a thing....

Me inside an assault tanker!

Finally, finish rounding PD! Sadly i have to went back to KL to stay there for one week. Nevertheless, it has been great during my visit to PD. If you guys like beaches (and bitches.haha joke) but you don't have all the money to went to Hawaii, Port Dickson is the solution. It's cheap and the beaches are not bad at all.

PS: Thanks to Bulu (ok la. nama sebenar hafiz. haha) and family for providing free bed and free food for me. Terima kasih bebanyak la ye :)

Wait! Stay Tuned.... Part 3 is coming soon....